Thursday, July 5, 2012

Foodie Pen Pals - A Taste of Texas

The Lean Green Bean 
This month I got a little taste of Texas when Jeanette from The Whimsical Cupcake sent me a box.  I am so jealous of her blog name and any other blog name that is super creative.  When I came up with mine I was in a "deep phase" and thought it sounded contemplative.  Turns out about 500 other people had that same thought.  I'm thinking of changing the name but worried I'd lose readers (if I haven't already with this super long side note). 
AAannnnyyywaaayyyy, I am always excited to get my foodie pen pal package and this one did not disappoint.  Jeanette sent me a sweet note explaining everything and its connection to Texas.  The first item out of the box didn't last long enough for me to snap my own picture: 
 These babies are amazing!  I pretty much never buy nuts but should.  The hubs and I tore into these and deemed them a perfect accompaniment to our dream of creating the perfect cheese plate.  If that dream ever becomes a reality, I will talk all about it on here.
The next most exciting thing was the salsa.  In this house, Salsa is one of our feast or famine items.  You know, those things that you always pick up at the store until you realize you've stockpiled them, then you never get at the store and have NONE of when you need it. In our house these items include salsa, grated parmesean cheese, soy sauce, and Frank's Red Hot.  We are currently going through a salsa famine and this salsa was awesome. 
Another very Texas flavor according to Jeanette is Apricot.  Crazy thing is, I LOVE Apricot.  My Gramps used to buy us Apricot Fruit Roll Ups when we were kids.  The brown color grossed out the other kids at lunch but I loved.  This Apricot Nectar will not last long, but now that I'm grown up, I might add some alcohol...
Jeanette also shared these sweet treats with me including her favorite candy that didn't quite make the trip...

Sorry Sour Apple Lollipops!
Thanks Jeanette!

If you are interested in joing FFP, check out Lindsay's Website at : 

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