Friday, February 21, 2014

A Year Ago today - the first time I found out I was cancer free

A year ago today (on Friday the 15th), I found out I was cancer free...then I rolled over and went back to sleep.  Sounds pretty anti-climatic but there was a reason for it.  That morning, I had an CT scan with contrast, which means drinking that terrible tasting drink and then getting injected with dye to light everything up.  The early morning appointment, the waiting and the stress of it all left me feeling exhausted.  I was glad I'd taken the day off from work. I didn't want to get my hopes up or stress about it, so when we got home Mike and I turned on Netflix and hit the couch.

Due to the wonders of technology, the CT was emailed to the oncologist's office and my awesome NP Lisa checked it out right away.  In the middle of my snooze, I got a text from her - "CTs just came across my desk.  You are a clean machine."  I was thrilled but not quite ready to believe it.  I had a follow up appointment for Wednesday the 20th and I wanted to wait until then to really look at things and move forward.

So I rolled over and went back to sleep, content that all the difficult times had paid off and that there was good news and health on the horizon!

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