Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Bootcamp 2.0 - The Home-body Version

I am such a home-body. Seriously, I just want to be in my little raised ranch in Townieville and nowhere else.  This is probably because
A. I know how much it costs to live here and I want to get my money's worth
 B.I am NEVER here and work the strangest hours possible and 
C.  The roomies are just so darn cute:
Seriously Cute! 
So I've been trying to work out more at home so that I can get some fitness in and some time here.  I've been doing Jillian's 30 Day Shred as I waited for Tina Reale's Bootcamp to start again.   I LOVE the YMCA in Schenectady and it is so close to work.  You  might remember that I claimed a little corner of the Y for my own and the named it the Grotto.  Going there in the morning, working out, then a five minute commute to work is a great option but just not one I'm into right now that my work schedule is keeping me late many nights.  When you lose and gain weight as seasons turn like I do, you collect an array of fitness equipment.  One quick scan around my house and I found what I will need for bootcamp:

Add in my new trusty binder:

And my personal trainer:

Seriously love this dog!

And I'm all set! A grotto of my very own.  Sure its not the full rack of weights, the four different kinds of kettle bells, or the weighted bars like I use at the gym, but as Tim Gunn says, "Make it work!"  I also don't have a bosu ball or a stability ball but I do have one of these:

That's right an overstuffed, hippy flowered ottoman.  This thing works my core like you wouldn't believe.  Who needs fancy equipment when you have a piece of furniture your cousin was throwing away and your mom generously recovered (that woman can do anything I tell ya!)

So I am attempting Bootcamp 2.0 The Home-body Version.  I hope to expand my grotto to include more official equipment (an ottoman on wheels is really not the safest thing to use) any sponsorships are greatly appreciated (kidding...sort of)
Check out Tina Reale

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